Friday, November 9, 2012


I walked down to Nordstroms with Rian and Anne and bought these fancy pantsy sunglasses.  The clerk--a pretty blonde woman in her twenties--was excited to tell me that Gwen Stefanie and Kelly Osborne also wear these glasses implying that I now belonged to some kind of cool celebrity tribe.  What she didn't know was that I was lucky to recognize these names since hip, young celebs have moved off into the periphery of my 70-year old vision.

I am getting fat again. Even in these cool glasses, I look like a Bulgarian chicken farmer. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) I am making an appointment with Nanette, my diet coach--ha ha ha ha--and she will make me write down what I eat and how much I exercise and what is driving me emotionally and I will buckle down and lose the weight.

This is where I repeat that those good habits you spend months making don't necessarily stay with you all your life.  You know I'm right about this.

Still, I love these sunglasses.


  1. Louise I'm going to have to rip off your style. Those glasses rock!

  2. I can't find a picture of a Bulgarian chicken farmer online.

  3. I've seen Gwen Stefani twice in concert, so I can attest she doesn't near your kind of cool. You probably don't spray your audiences with F-bombs like she does, either. That's why I like you more.

  4. it worries me that i, too, will be working on my weight at 70 (though i can only hope to look near as good as a bulgarian chicken farmer)...

  5. It just never ends . . .

    But you looked beautiful when I saw you today!

  6. Well, I hate to admit that I "Google Image"d Bulgarian Chicken Farmer, and if that's what you look like at 70, then there is hope for all women of the world. (So now there will be a million hits on "Bulgarian Chicken Farmer"...)

    Me? I was happy that I could wear a turtleneck today. Some of us look really quite nice in turtlenecks.

  7. I'm getting fat again too. I either am trying to deep six what I really want to say or self-medicating. I'm discouraged that I'm fat, almost 60 and still fitting this battle. I don't have cool glasses either though I have an awesome fake fur coat that rocks. It's a good thing it's -15 C and I can bury all this self loathing under wool.
