Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What is your favorite diet?

In the old days when I was a skinny thing who had babies once in awhile, I would go to Weight Watchers to lose 10 or 15 pounds.  I still like Weight Watchers.  They are sensible and their point plan is easy to follow and inexpensive.  Plus there is nothing like having a stranger weigh you every week and record that weight in your little planner.

Now, all that is not enough.  I need a single person--like a life coach--to weigh me in every week and then quiz me, shame me, encourage me, bribe me or anything else she can do to make me stay on task.
So for the last twelve years, I have gone back to Nanette, the nutritionist, who heads up the Optifast
program in the medical building up on 12th Avenue.

Optifast is a liquid fast.  I do a modified liquid fast: three protein drinks a day and a light dinner.
Each drink is 160 calories and should keep you feeling satisfied for three hours (that and the water
you drink).  I have to record everything I put in my mouth.  All diets require that.

The reason this works well for me is that I am an awful planner when it comes to food.  I don't like cooking, but I seriously hate planning meals, and the grocery store is a horror to me.  The choice alone creates a kind of panic in me.  In fact, the first time I went to Costco, I had to leave.  It was overwhelming.

Optifast requires very little planning and if I do as I'm told and exercise twenty minutes to a half hour each day, the weight falls off.

Of course, then I have to deal with food again.

Elizabeth Taylor had the best diet of all:  she put herself in a Swiss hospital where they anesthesized   her for two weeks and whoa, she was thinner.

What diet do you prefer?


  1. No diets! Diets are temporary and screw up your metabolism. If you want a real nutrition plan, it requires a lifestyle change and effort. It's the only way. I can testify that following the food pyramid we all learned about in 1st grade and regular exercise is generally all you need to lose weight and live healthy.

  2. I never knew that about Elizabeth Taylor. Her diet strategy would not be my favorite because I really like to cook and eat good food. My favorite diet would be delicious and healthy food, plus some sweets.

  3. I googled the thing about Elizabeth Taylor and found this http://www.nytimes.com/1986/05/23/style/elizabeth-taylor-diet-tips-on-how-to-become-a-size-6.html which is not very helpful, but a read I enjoyed.
