Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Louise, the anti-Christ

So in testimony meeting I'm feeling all grumpy about our touchy feely approach to religion. I am the anti-Christ sitting in the back with a placid smile on my face, because even though I am spiritually dark and loathsome, I don't want everyone to know that I've turned into a bitter old woman.

Then this young, beautiful woman gets up at the end of the meeting and tells how her second kidney transplant has failed after seven months and she has to go back on dialysis, and how they can't adopt a baby when she's on dialysis. Lots of sadness. She was calm and thoughtful and shocked me out of my complete faithlessness.

I suppose this is an object lesson that when you are feeling empty and rebellious, you should keep going to church until the emptiness is filled again.

Since the weekend, we've had nothing but little blessings falling on us.

I'm feeling much better now.


  1. Sometimes I sit slack-jawed and cynical while the weepy and the sappy are at the microphone. But lately a phrase has been running through my head when someone is expressing faith in a way I find distasteful: There is room for all of us in Christ's church. ALL of us, I keep remembering. Saints and sinners, old and young, hot and cold. There is room for all of us.

    Your example reminded me, again, of this simple fact.

  2. I read the New York Times on my iPhone during testimony meeting which means I don't listen to the testimonies which means I miss all the object lessons aimed at me.

  3. Lara, I'm busting up right now. Louise, I love testimony meeting. My favorite was when this gal got up and thanked the Lord for her hair extensions--not exaggerating one bit. I was shocked and so entertained. But when someone gets up and shares something so raw and tender, I lose it every time.

  4. Thank you for this post. You WERE speaking to me, directly, weren't you? It sure felt like it.

  5. Testimony meeting is like Christmas.
    Sometimes you get an itchy, hand knit, asymmetrical sweater vest from sweet aunt Augusta; sometimes you get a pig-shaped cookie jar that shouts "oink" at you when opened; and sometimes you get the most exquisitely beautiful and simple gift of spirit and words at a time when you need them most.

  6. Testimony meetings in mountain towns are always fun. I loved this post. I read every one of your posts Louise and they always brighten my day. I like you.
