Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tom's corner

Tom and Alice (we're babysitting)
Below:  Tom's efficient little office. He
built the top shelf himself.  Handy dandy.
We spent the holiday organizing papers, books,
files and finishing Tom's corner, which is actually
 a walk-in closet in our bedroom.  Tom is not at all
 disturbed by a lack of light, since everything he
 does is related to the computer.

Neither is he disturbed by his shirts hanging on the
 left and some jackets on the right.  His art portfolio
 is on the floor on the right as well.

The best part is he thinks I'm a genius for coming
 up with the idea.  He didn't believe I could pull
off having clothes and  office space too.  All that
reading of the Apartment Therapy blog has paid off.

We emptied out a bookcase we had set up in the
 hall between the bathroom and the laundry room.
It was just too tight.  If you feel squeezed in your
 living space, you feel deprived.

I can see I have to tape that clothing rod in a colored

Best of all, though, the double doors close the whole "room" off when he's not using it.


  1. Check out washi tape. Really make that bar sing!

  2. I have to admit, Louise, after reading all the quotes on the right, the Plummers have the wisest of all.
