Friday, January 10, 2014

The New Year comes in like a lion

For me the New Year came in with illness.  It began with a cough, which went south, and included headache and bodily pain.

I had a temperature.

Remember Meg Ryan in YOU'VE GOT MAIL when she gets sick after her shop has been sold and Tom Hanks comes around with daisies.  She's in a bathrobe and is generally whining and says, "I have a temperature."  She clips that word perfectly.

Of course, it's the writer, Nora Ephron, who gave her that word, "temperature."  Most of us don't say that.  We say, "fever."  Fever is not nearly as fun to say.

I had a temperature.

I have been using illness, a general malaise, and winter as an excuse to skip blogging, but TWA reminded me that I am still of the living.  Sometimes I forget.

Read THE ROSIE PROJECT if you haven't already.  Perfect for January.


  1. I have been so worried! After people pass a certain age, if I don't get confirmation of their status on a very regular basis, I get nervous. Whew!

  2. I have felt about the same as you describe, but missed your whimsical commentary on life. I'll be glad when you feel more like sharing.

  3. Welcome back. Glad you liked Rosie. It was my fave of 2013. I was in love the instant those kids started chanting SHOOT THE BABY!

  4. Since I had not been getting my daily dose of Louise Plummer, I went back to enjoy her autobiographical childhood photos and captions from January last year. What an amazing treat to your own kith & kin.

    I am merely peering into that porthole that we nowadays know as the internet. Such a beautiful mother, handsome father, and kids - kids who could make Ralph Lauren models weep - WEEP in envy.

  5. I just finished The Rosie Project tonight! Great book.
