Thursday, October 13, 2011

A majority of Americans

Okay, math wasn't my strong suit, but even I know that 4 in 10 is not a majority. It does worry me a little that there are people out there so much dumber than I am about math. I do know my times tables and how to add and subtract and can even make my way through long division.

My weakness was the story problem and fitting it into an equation. It was a problem in physics as well. Still, I managed through life with measuring cups and spoons, with rulers and with calculators.

I was really scared when they asked Miss Universe contestants if schools should teach math.

One young woman said, "Math? No, it's just a theory. It's not what it says in the Bible."

One said, "There's math over here--" She flips out one hand. "And--there's none-math over here." She flips out the other hand.

And finally, "Math? No. I do not believe in math, and I do not encourage it."

So there you have it, folks: one-hundred percent of Miss Universe contestants don't believe math is necessary.

Sometimes I'm glad I'm on my way out.


  1. Can you imagine what's in store for the rest of us? You must live forever Louise. Sacrifice for the greater good.
    Miss Universe, FAIL.

  2. Are those real stories about Miss Universe? Wow. I didn't know math was just a theory.

  3. stuff i don't believe in:

    -how freaking dumb some people are

    -a lot of things in el bible, like when it says that the women shall learn in silence (translator's error clearly!!)

    -miss universe pageants (my daughter is going to have a really rough life if her dream is to be on toddlers and tiara because it will happen over my dead body...)

  4. Is the world getting dumber or are we just smarter?

  5. I got a 21 on my ACT test. At the time that was a respectable score. More interesting than my composite score, was the breakdown. I could read and write at the upper college level, but my math scores kept me humble. I tracked as being proficient at 8th grade math.
    In college there was no way I was going to pass the required College Algebra. I had to take 2 semesters of Spanish to make up for one College Algebra class. It was worth it. I never use algebra in my life now, but occasionally I have needed the only sentence I retained from Spanish class. Me gusto(or gusta - I can't remember which is right.) el lado.
    Translation: I like ice cream.
    Words to live by.

  6. Michael Moore has spent his life trying to prove how dumb people in America are. He claims teachers are partially at fault for our mental degeneration. We're reading an excerpt from "Idiot Nation" on Monday. I'll tell you if the class agrees with his claims. I'll also ask if 4 out of 10 could considered a majority. Love u!

  7. My friend got a D.Phil from Oxford in math and is the chair of his math department now. He says he can prove that numbers don't exist, so there you go.
