Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anne is 18--wah hoo! II

I couldn't post this photo yesterday for mysterious reasons. With Tom's help, I got it up.


  1. Wow. Happy birthday to Anne. I just emailed Tom and told him I held Anne as a newborn. Good grief, I feel old.

  2. Kate Middleton could take a lesson from you on how to wear a feathered beret!

  3. Hannah came home with "Finding Daddy." She found it on a front display in her jr. high library. She said the sign above your book read, "Stories for Reluctant Readers." I thought that was high praise for your book, so I thought I'd pass this info on to you.

    I've been having her read it to me while we drive to and from our after school activities. We're to the part where they unbury Maude, and I'm bitting my nails, Louise.

  4. I stand corrected. Hannah is standing behind me, breathing down my neck, and telling me the sign said, "Stories for People Who Don't Like to Read."
