Thursday, June 9, 2011

gaudeamus igitur!

Oh frabjous day! Last week we had two commencement days. Sam received his Masters in Education and Anne graduated from Herriman High (their first senior class). It was joyous all around.

Charles and Erica flew Micky out from California for Anne's graduation and WAS SHE EVER SURPRISED. I was glad to be an onlooker. Much hugging and crying.

We took them for Belgian waffles yesterday morning and then went up to Kingsbury Hall to see Plummer family accomplishments on the second floor. The old folks luff luff luff the young folks.

I have been stressing about the WIFYR conference next week at Waterford School. It is in my nature to wait until the last minute to prepare everything.

Some habits never change.

I will pull the whole thing out of my behind (oooh).


  1. Hooray for Plummer family accomplishments, young and old, old and new!

    I wish I could be there to see what comes out of your... you know.

  2. Yes indeed congratulations. And about that conference, just know that some of the attendees are floundering and wondering what on God's earth made them even think they could attend.

  3. Yay for the Plummers! I've sat here writing about a dozen different comments, put have decided to write nothing. Lame...I know.
