Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Best apartment deal in NYC today--this month

This is a 350 square foot studio on west 109th Street and Broadway for $1225. It's rent stabilized and has an elevator and laundry.

In my dreams.


  1. ok i'm glad i'm not the only one who combs craiglist to find apartments in places i don't live. (latest obsession: moscow). a studio on 109 and b-way probably would make my life perfect. $1225 a month! i am so easy to please.

  2. I love your house/apartment obsessions! I'm the opposite. I'm completely content in my house and plan on staying here until I die.

    Is that wrong?

    Maybe you need to visit my house. It's a cure for house-dreaming!

  3. I love it! Not this summer but the next, we're going to live there for a month!

  4. cute; i'm hanging out at 101 and 3rd - so take it and visit me! spaha is a great hood.

  5. *wants* I've been trolling apartments in NYC, dreaming about my future job in publishing. *cough*
