Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Trivial Trivia Night

I will never outgrow the desire to stay up way past bedtime. I try to turn out the lights by midnight, but last night I sat in bed playing brain games on the computer. Games that supposedly help the plasticity in my brain, even in old age.

It's a crock.

And yet, I stayed up until four in the morning.

The problem with the games is that scoring is in IQ points. I know what my IQ is, and it is NOT over 500 like I was scoring in one game. Nor is it 60 like I was scoring in another.

While I was playing, pop-ups would appear below the question with various ideas for keeping my brain healthy, so I guess double-tasking is part of the testing.

Double-tasking is paying half attention to two separate tasks.

If you want to get a high IQ playing Trivia, then you ought to memorize the Soccer World Cup winners since the 1940s and you'll be good to go. Skip basketball and baseball. The two football questions both involved Pennsylvania teams. It also helps to know a thing or two about German film directors from the twenties and thirties.

Did you know Bill Clinton was 46 when he became president? That Olympia is the capitol of Washington and Charleston is the capitol of West Virginia? Did you know that the director Fritz Lang whistled for Peter Lorre in the movie "M"?

Better bone up on the capitals of unheard of African countries, because this particular game loved those. The only rock and roll questions I got right had to do with The Beatles.

Anyway, I'm a wreck this morning, and not a bit smarter. I would have been better off reading a literary novel.

1 comment:

  1. Literary novel. Bleh. In the past month I've read A VISIT FROM THE GOON SQUAD (Pulitzer Prize winner) and GREAT HOUSE (arty-farty well reviewed novel), and I hated them both, because everyone is tortured and prone to making the same damn stupid mistakes over and over. Both books made me feel grumpy. Also, curiously, stupider.

    Not as stupid as I feel after watching an episode of the Kardashians, however.
