Monday, September 19, 2011

Saturday nights

What happens Saturday night, carries over into Sunday morning. Last week, we went to the symphony to hear Beethoven's Ninth where the choir sang out Schiller's
"Ode to Joy," in German--it's better in German. Tom and I and everyone else in the place were transported (almost translated) into the sublime. It lasted well into Sunday morning--that feel good feeling--living our blessed lives under a canopy of stars.

This past Saturday night, the two of us ordered two pizzas, turned on the television to ESPN 2, sat on the couch with our feet up on the footstool, and waited for BYU to crush Utah.

Thirty seconds into the game, we knew that wasn't going to happen. Fumble fumble fumble fumble and more fumble. The kindly universe of a week ago had turned foul and lumpy.

Tom went to bed early, "I can't watch it," he muttered. I watched to the end with masochistic verve. I cursed. I sent my Utah-fan-son curses by email.

Sunday morning, BYU fans sat with long faces in church. You could see the question in their faces: Is there a God?

And then we read Corinthians in Sunday School where Paul waxes so eloquent and forgot about football.


  1. Our bishop is a Ute fan. He's also an orthopedic surgeon (wealthy) with an enormous (enormous) TV in a theater room. He invites all the BYU fans over for the big match-up. The catch? They all had to wear red ties to church yesterday because Utah won. His son had a pocketful of U of U fan for non compliant men.

    Insult to injury.

  2. Oh Louise. So true. Thank goodness for Paul, eh?

  3. Wow on the Beethoven and yes, CURSE U of U!
    Paul is more eloquent than I remember and I love these quotes on the side. Refreshing and Powerful!

    Love your cut too! What a Great style!

  4. The next day, here in Provo, it was stake conference:
    Check out D&C 54:10 said the Stake President..."And again, be patient in tribulation...That was only the beginning. Every speaker let us know that despite the day before--hope is still alive.......truth is still truth...the Y still has most favored nation status with the heavens...
    (Oh, I forgot to add, the Saturday evening session had been changed to Friday evening and we all knew why) :)
