Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bahoo Hulu

This morning was post-operative zest day, and I cleaned cleaned cleaned, but not without my computer on the countertop set to Hulu and the second season of MODERN FAMILY. I could move from the kitchen to the living room and swivel my laptop around. Busy busy busy.

Then silence. I turn to the screen and it says, "louise, you have been watching for three hours. Do you want to take a break?"

When did Hulu turn into my mother? Hulu cares that I'm watching too much TV? Seriously?

Do I want to take a break? No, I want to watch TV until I'm blind, until my brains spill out, until my apartment is spotless.


  1. I've wondered when someone is going to program this sort of thing into my microwave: "This hot dog has 670 mg of Sodium, 28% of your daily allowance. This microwave will disable reheating any further sodium for the next 12 hours."

    It would be handy for someone with diabetes, say, but for those of us who enjoy eating and want to live life pleasantly plump... nightmare.

  2. And I am just set to start my 2nd season of Modern Family! (Sadly, my college-age daughter told me that this sitcom portrays our family to a T.)

    I love this series - although, I have only viewed the first season.

    I love your blog: the age posts, and the religion posts. They call close to home.

  3. Next Hulu is going to ask if my mother knows what I'm watching for three hours...

  4. What is next?!

    On another note, I finished Still Alice based on your recommendation. I can still quote your list of instructions to the kids:

    Red shoes, small gold earrings, leave the toe nails for the professionals, don't feel guilty. That list still blows me out of the water.

  5. LOL. I got this message the other day as well and said some choice things to my HULU police officer.

  6. Hulu hasn't made it's way to the Canadian border like Target, Anthropolgie and Netflix.

    We read Still Alice for book club last year. For weeks afterward, I was self diagnosing every time I forgot a kid's name or couldn't find the word I wanted.

    I made Daughter #2 (http://raxwhite.blogspot.com/2011/09/as-promised.html#comment-form) promise that when I have unravelled too much to take me to a bridge and toss me over. She seemed a little too eager and ready.
