Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I forgot about my rule to stay in the house on Halloween Day. First, I had to go to Physical Therapy at the orthopedic hospital, where my therapist, Stephanie, was wearing oversized and ugly rubber feet. Am I supposed to say something? "Oh look, you're a grown-up wearing Halloween feet!"

Then as long as I was that far south, I stopped in at the mall and had Suichen give me a neck and back massage. He was dressed appropriately like a masseur. We grin at each other a lot.

At Dillard's, I bought a pair of Bjorn's canvas tie-up shoes in a leopard print. I suppose that could be my nod to Halloween.

Then onto the doctor's office where I had to have blood drawn at the lab. The receptionist was a heavy middle-aged woman dressed as Wendy (as in the restaurant): red pigtails, blue dress, nametag and all.

I'm embarrassed when grown-ups in business establishments dress in costume at Halloween. I'm nonplussed. I'm probably priggish.

Mother wouldn't let us trick or treat after age 12. I think I've become my mother.

Having said that, one of my favorite memories is of being a chicken in second grade and no one could guess who I was. Miss Ipson had to go through the roll to see who was missing. What a victory.

Happy Halloween, really.


  1. The boys are out tricking and treating right now. Elliot did not want to go. There are so many adults who dress up here! I just answered the door and glanced up at the grown-up escorting the group of reaching hands and saw a man (?) in a creepy bronze-colored mask and dark cape. Ew.

    I know I've always thought of you as probably priggish.

    Happy leopard-print-shoe Halloween to you. Miss you.

  2. Interesting, I think I've become my mother. I have taken the day off from work for the last 6 years because I too am embarrassed. I have been scarred from an incident involving a man, leather, drag, and Rocky Horror Picture Show... at work. WTH.

  3. I took my four year old to the library today. The librarian in the children's section was dressed as a nurse. I thought, "What's wrong with just dressing like a librarian? If you wanted to wear scrubs to work, you made the wrong career choice, lady."

    My 12 year old son volunteered--of his own free will--to stay home and pass out candy this year. He is too cool to dress up any more. Or too embarrassed. Probably the latter.

  4. You priggish woman would love this: in a school in my city some equally priggish parents lobbied to have "scary" costumes out of the mix. Serious. As I watch our lovely neighborhood transform with cheap Chinese crap I wonder what ever happened to the little carved pumpkins we used to set out on the doorstep. People. Get a grip. I think it's all Martha Stewart's fault;)

  5. that should have said "cheap made in China crap"

  6. If it's a victory for no one to recognize you, then I won this year. I dressed as Effie Trinket (from the Hunger Games) I wore a pink wig a retro green dress, super duper retro high heels and wondered around the party saying: "May the odds be ever in your favor."

    Only two middle-school age kids got it. I guess I'll have to wait for the movie...then people will be like, ahh, that's what she was for Halloween.

    For the record. I LOVE when grown-ups dress up. In what other world are you allowed to be a kid again for one day.
