Friday, October 7, 2011

Missing Steve Jobs

I've been grieving the death of Steve Jobs. It's a little like losing Mozart, just different fields of expertise. I watched him give presentations on HULU, read the quotes, watched the speech at Stanford. It's unusual for a tekki (with a little help from Steve Wozniak, of course) to have aesthetic sensibilities as well as performance abilities. And good looks. I don't care if he was a prima donna occasionally.

His death reminds me that I never owned a PC. Didn't even come close. In 1984, I bought my first MacIntosh 128 (now in the Charles Plummer museum) from the money I made writing a Care Bear Cousin book. Three thousand big ones. That's what I got paid, and that's what the MacIntosh cost. That original Mac saved only seven pages in a file, but it was so much better than a typewriter. Although, that initial dot matrix printer was hideous.

I had one of those flowery-colored Macs too--loved those colors. And I had the big flat screen with no other gadgetry to hide. And I'm now on my second MacBook, which I adore.

I don't have an IPod or an IPad or IPhone. Maybe sometime. Maybe not. I don't like to be that attached.

Jobs's death also reminds me of living in NYC and frequently visiting the glass Apple store on 59th Street and 5th Avenue, a store that was open 24-hours a day. And no matter what time you went, there were always other people there.

Thank you Steve Jobs for all things Apple. Rest in Peace.


  1. We had a grape imac. What color was yours? We've always had macs too with the exception of one PC laptop that Doug ended up giving away because we hated it. I also heart my macbook.

    AND!!! Holy cow! You wrote a Care Bears book? I am so sad I never knew this!

  2. My grandma had that Care Bear Cousins book at her house. True story.
    Steve Jobs was amazing. My friend with an autistic daughter said she'd like to build a shrine to him because of the wonders the iPad has worked with her little girl. Rest in Peace, indeed.

  3. We have so few visionaries in our world and his passing feels a littler emptier.

    Care Bears? There is so much to know about you Louise.

  4. I Love you more now that i know you brought a Care Bear Cousins book into the world. A Walk to Grow On...sounds deep.
