Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Caleb's miracle

Last week in Primary, Tom gave a lesson on faith and ended with the idea that faith can change your life. He suggested that when you want something good, you write it down on a card in the present tense such as "Tom and Louise buy ocean cottage this year," tape it on the bathroom mirror, say it aloud a few times a day, and the universe will give it to you.  (Mark 11: 23-24).

This is absolutely true, people.  Be careful what you ask for.

"What is something you would like to have?" Tom asked the class.

Caleb with light wistfulness said he wanted a DS lite, an electronic handheld game that costs about 125 dollars.  Everyone has one, but he doesn't.  He's eight.  DS rules the world.

I'm pretty sure that Caleb's family cannot throw around $125 for a DS.

I'm not God, but I think everyone should have his dreams come true.  I lay awake at night thinking of Caleb and the DS.  I could send him one anonymously in October.  I could be Caleb's angel.  Presumptuous angel.

On Father's Day, our class sat around the table making cards, and Caleb, who sat next to me, said softly, "I had a sort of miracle this week," and turned his head as if he hoped I hadn't heard him.

"Tell me," I said.  "Tell me about your miracle."

"My grandma works in the schools and she brought home a box of old lost-and-found things and there was a DS in there."

My mouth fell open.  "You got a DS this week?"

He nodded.  "Not just for me but for all of our family."

"THIS week?"  I was in shock.  The universe works without my manipulation?

"That isn't sort of a miracle; that is a miracle." I said.

I love to be taught by an eight-year old.  Thank you, Universe.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I'm writing "Condo in Bear Lake" on my note card right now.

  2. Oh.My. Gosh. Can I come to your Primary Class? I need to have awesome teachers like you and Tom.
    In my classes I learn: Pray, but don't expect things to go your way because Heavenly Father has a different plan than you. Be grateful for what you have and never ask "Why?". Heavenly Father thinks that question is rude.
    My card is going to say Be Debt-free Within A Year.

  3. "Pray, but don't expect things to go your way?" That isn't Jesus. Have faith; fear not.

  4. I need 3 new primary teachers right now. Please move to Colorado Springs ASAP. There is a lovely home for sale across the street and although it isn't an ocean cottage, we do have a nice neighborhood pool!

  5. This post might be in my top five favorite posts ever written.

  6. Mine too Katy. I'm here in SLC Louise. My friend is attending writing conference and I drove down with her. I read this touching post to her. We wish we could write so effortlessly. During the day I am working on my story I started last year. And on that baby quilt. It's a time for finishing projects. It's so lovely down here. Rain, rain and more rain is what we have up there. It would be fun to have lunch with you and Mercedes before she leaves for Alabama.

  7. Oh, to have the faith of a child, I think it's time to recapture it. Thank you for sharing! And I'm right there with Heather - paid off the car, a computer and now for the last bit. Feeling lighter already.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this miracle. I love the part where he says, "Not just for me but for all of my family." That part makes my eyes water.

    I hope for miracles but it has been some time since I had this kind of faith.
