Monday, September 9, 2013

And the wig comes out

The whole family came for dinner last night.  Sam and Sarah brought the dining room table with them and Sam screwed the legs on.  It was like we never left only there are no pictures on the wall.  That's this week's work.

I brought the wig out.  Pics below:

Rian, taking over her sister Samantha's territory.

The blonde Murgatroyd

Surfing babe, Maxwell 

Charles.  What can I say?

Sarah looks just like her sister (?)
Also, I ate about a quart of ice cream today after having a large breakfast with Ann, which included sausage and a scone.  While cleaning up in the kitchen, I watched a movie that I had already seen and didn't like all that much the first time.  I baked a cake.  What is this sudden need for fatty foods?

So, I still seem to be myself.

At least I know what I'm working with.


  1. I wish someone in my family brought out a wig to entertain us with over baked goods and movie re-runs. You guys sound like a hell of a lot of fun.

    Discovered your blog from your mention on "NYC Taught Me" and I'm really enjoying it!


  2. What a great and fun, funny family. You are blessed!

  3. Seeing as how I have a couple of sisters who sometimes read this blog, I must clarify that THE CAPTION BELOW MY PICTURE DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING ABOUT ANY OF MY SISTERS. Tom was... being Tom. I'm not sure I can clarify any further.
