Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My life with apps

While I was in Nederland, I read in Apartment Therapy about a watercolor app called Waterlogue, which changes photos to watercolors (2.99).  I bought it immediately and became besotted with it.  Here are four photos I took with my iPad and changed to watercolors:

a cottage in Breukelen
bike in front of Corrie ten Boom's house in Haarlem

windmill at Kinderdijk

Delft plaza
I can sit in my beddy at night and water color.  I really like the iPad for taking photos.  I hardly used my camera.  More fun than dancing!


  1. You've forgotten what it was like to dance 50 years ago, my dear.

  2. Because of cool technology like this, I am saving myself $50 and hours of toil slaving away in a beginning art class. Tell Tom I'm sorry, but I have lost all enthusiasm for learning a new creative skill. This App is the best!

    1. I had no idea you play the piano, too! You are a man of many, many talents.
