Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Harrison is going to Montevideo, Uruguay

Our oldest grandson, Harrison, kindly waited to open his LDS mission call until about 6:30 in front of his immediate family and both sets of grandparents (and on SKYPE with his best friend, Curtis, who is Las Vegas) and Curtis's parents.  He said he would be happy to go anywhere, which is pretty much the expected thing to say, but let's face it, if you're nineteen, you've got to be thinking, "Please, Lord, somewhere exotic."

He liked this call.  He liked it very much.  And so did we all, and we ate sandwiches and pasta salad and watermelon and chocolate cake and googled Montevideo, which people were pronouncing Montie video--and basked in the warmth of what will be in future years, an historic evening.

We were glad to be alive and present.  Kisses to you, Harrison.

Pics of beautiful Montevideo below (sometimes known as little Buenos Aires).


  1. A wonderful book about three generations of women in Montevideo: "The Invisible Mountain" ("I see a mountain? where, no mountain here….)

  2. And so, for us Lutherans, what does this mean, exactly?

    1. Just keep doing what you're doing. (Give them a glass of water when they come by).

    2. How does the call process work? Letters of recommendation? Interest areas? Elders shuffle the deck?

  3. Fabulous!!! Congrats, Harrison.
