Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sam's birthday celebration

We were first to arrive at Sam's birthday dinner.  I said to the birthday boy, "Take our picture; we're color coordinated."  Because his birthday is all about me.  I'm the one who had to push 10 lbs of Sam out of me.  Natural childbirth.  Why?  Because it makes you feel strong as a gorilla; that's why.

At Sam's request, Sarah made him a rocket cake.  Light the candles and the rocket takes off.  Well, sort of.

I was standing at the tip of the rocket when I first saw it, and said, "Oh, it's a bear cake!"  So there was that mother-in-law faux pas.

The children, large and small, went downstairs to play computer games, which left me playing Tenzi with Sam, Harrison and Charles.  I wanted to organize the die (dice) and never won.  We decided to play two against two.  Charles said, "No one wants Mother on their team."

"Wait," I cried.  "When did I become that person that isn't picked in the first round?  I've never been that person."

Tom said on the way home, "Remember when your parents would come to visit us and we thought they were the old people?"

"Yeah," I said.

"That's us now."

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