Friday, December 18, 2020

The disappointment of George and other domestic news

                           George Plummer and the 2020 Christmas tree

George came with Sam, who was here to install Tom's new television in Tom's room. (More about that in a second). He looked in the living room and said, "Why do you have such a small Christmas tree?" Augh! 

Christmas is all about the young, and this year I thought that no one would ever see it, so what the dippity doo doo? Look at it. It's pathetic! There's no skirt around the bottom, no presents wrapped. 

To cover my lamentable decision, I said, "It's just your size. Let me take your picture!" I don't know if he bought it or not, but it made me feel better. 

Reasons for old married people to have separate bedrooms:

1. It's the tradition of royalty.

2. One of you likes to smoke in bed.

3. One of you snores.

4. One of you likes middle-of-the-night TV.

5. One of you goes to sleep at eight and wakes up at eleven.

6. One of you wants to sleep after eleven.

7. One of you needs white noise to go to sleep.

8. One of you needs dead silence.

9. One of you wiggles and twitches.

10. One runs hot and one runs cold.

11. You can't stand each other.

Choose your favorite six out of eleven.

We do sleep better. The most annoying thing is that Tom is a little chuffed up with the arrangement. 

I hung pics and curtains in my room today. He got his tv. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. #10. Here we are in August: We had a few cool nights last month, and I made the observation that I SLEPT SO WELL in the cool. Then back to triple digits, and I suggested that I try sleeping in the study - with its own independent thermostat. Best idea ever. Huz refers to it as Ice Station Zebra. Admittedly, I am a bit smug when I hear friends complain that they can't sleep in the heat. And no doubt our electric bill is way higher than theirs. But I am one happy (and well-rested) camper.
